Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Poor Zoë

Poor little Zoë got stitches yesterday evening. She somehow she got a hold of the lid of a can. Kita (our dog) took an open can out of the garbage and into the living room. This is where Kita takes all food that she steals. Anyhow, as I was making dinner (this is the source of the open can) there comes a screaming from the living room from both Kennedy & Zoë. At first I didn't know who was hurt as there was blood everywhere. After finding the correct child I see that Zoë's right ring finger looks like you took a razor in the shape of a spoon and scooped out a portion. OWEEE! Anyhow, off to the E.R. and she now has 6 stitches and can not take a bath for two weeks (showers are okay) I have already had a temper tantrum today for the no bath issue...Poor Zo!


Heidi said...

Oh no! that is the second can incident in the family in under a week! Lisa had 5 stitches in a fight with a dog food can too...

There is a really good tin opener - OXO brand, which leaves no sharp edges at all. I have one and have just got one for Lisa - see if you can get one there otherwise I will send you one over.

Molly said...

Poor Zoe! hope she gets better! thats sad!

Megan said...

So sad sister! Poor little Zoe, that pic breaks my heart. (PS LOVE your adorable new header, your so talented!)

Lisa said...

Oh no! Poor little kid!
I completely sympathise...
Must be a lot worse for a child to do, poor little tacker.

FIFI said...

its super sad! I think that is a sad blue cast. Poor ZO